Articoli, Cyberbullismo

Caso di studio etico: pettegolezzi su Facebook o cyberbullismo?


In the age of social media dominance, ethical dilemmas related to online behavior have become increasingly prevalent. One such dilemma revolves around the fine line between harmless gossip and harmful cyberbullying on platforms like Facebook. This article delves into an ethical case study that explores the blurred boundaries between sharing personal opinions and engaging in cyberbullying on social media.

The Case

Meet Sarah and Emily, two high school friends who had a falling out due to personal differences. As is often the case with teenage friendships, emotions ran high, leading to resentment on both sides. Sarah decided to express her frustrations by posting a lengthy rant about Emily on her Facebook profile. In her post, Sarah accused Emily of various wrongdoings, embellishing some incidents to make Emily look worse than she actually was.

At first glance, Sarah’s post appeared to be an outlet for her emotions and a form of catharsis. However, as the post gained traction, it was shared, liked, and commented on by many of Sarah’s friends, leading to a wave of negative comments and messages directed at Emily. Friends of both parties got involved, choosing sides and escalating the situation. Emily, distressed and overwhelmed by the online backlash, felt like she was being cyberbullied.

The Ethical Dilemma

Sarah’s actions raise several ethical questions:

Privacy and Consent: Did Emily consent to having her personal issues shared on a public platform? Sarah had every right to express her feelings, but did she consider the implications of airing private grievances in a public space?

Harm and Consequences: Did Sarah anticipate the harm her post could cause? Once shared, the post was beyond her control, and the negative consequences on Emily’s mental well-being were significant.

Responsibility and Accountability: To what extent is Sarah responsible for the comments and messages directed at Emily? While she may not have actively encouraged the negativity, her post instigated it.

Freedom of Expression vs. Cyberbullying: Does Sarah’s freedom of expression override Emily’s right to be free from online harassment? Where does one person’s right to voice their opinions end, and another person’s right to be protected from harm begin?

Online Communities and Moral Responsibility: What role should online communities and platforms like Facebook play in regulating such behavior? Should they actively intervene when online discussions escalate into cyberbullying?

Resolution and Moral Lessons

In this case study, there are no easy answers. Ethical dilemmas like this highlight the importance of responsible online behavior. It is crucial for individuals to consider the potential consequences of their actions, especially when emotions run high. Sarah’s need to vent her frustrations on Facebook inadvertently led to the cyberbullying of Emily, causing her emotional distress.

Moral lessons can be drawn from this case study:

Think Before You Post: Pause and reflect on the potential consequences of your online actions. Consider the impact your words may have on others.

Respect Privacy: Be mindful of sharing personal information or grievances in a public forum, especially if it involves other individuals who may not have consented to the exposure.

Foster Constructive Discussions: Online communities and social media platforms should promote positive interactions and discourage cyberbullying through clear guidelines and reporting mechanisms.

Encourage Empathy: Encourage empathy and understanding among peers, both online and offline. In the digital age, it is essential to remember that there are real people behind the screens.


The case of Sarah and Emily highlights the complex ethical issues surrounding social media usage. As individuals, we must navigate the fine line between freedom of expression and causing harm. It also calls for social media platforms and communities to take proactive measures in curbing cyberbullying. Ultimately, this case serves as a reminder that ethical behavior in the digital realm is just as important as ethical conduct in our physical lives.

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